Scholarships: State CPA Societies |
Many state CPA societies offer
scholarships to students. To learn what is offered by a particular
state, along with contact information for that state's board of
accountancy and state CPA society, please use the links
Alabama Society of CPAs
P.O. Box 5000
Montgomery, AL 36103-5000
Telephone: (334) 834-7650
FAX (334) 834-7310
Website address:
- Audience: Junior or senior
accounting students at accredited colleges and universities across
the state
- amount: $1,000 per academic year
(17 scholarships per year; one per school)
- requirements: Full time student
with a declared major in accounting. (Grade -B- or better in
accounting and overall GPA). At least one academic year remaining.
A good probability that student will be successful in accounting
and contribute to the profession.
Alaska Society of CPAs
341 W. Tudor Road, #105
Anchorage, AK 99503
Telephone: (907) 562-4334
FAX: (907) 562-4025
Website address:
- audience: Junior and senior
college student enrolled in a four-year accounting program,
graduate students in accounting
- amount of scholarship: Up to
$2,000 annually.
- requirements: Students scholastic
achievement, public accounting goals and financial need is
determined upon submitting application.
Arizona Society of CPAs
2120 N. Central Ave., Suite 100
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Telephone: (602) 252-4144
FAX: (602) 252-1511
Website address:
- audience: Junior and senior
college student enrolled in a four-year accounting program,
graduate students in accounting.
- amount of scholarship: Up to
$2,000 annually
- requirements: Students scholastic
achievement, public accounting goals and financial need is
determined upon submitting application.
Arkansas Society of CPAs
11300 Executive Center Drive
Little Rock, AR 72211-4352
Telephone: (501) 664-8739
FAX: (501) 664-8320
Website address:
- description: Low-interest student
loans to Arkansas accounting students.
California Society of CPAs
1235 Radio Rd
Redwood City, CA 94065
Telephone: (450) 802-2600
FAX: (450) 802-2200
Website address:
- audience: Two and four year
colleges/universities. Minority scholarships sponsored by the
Society and administered by the AICPA. Scholarships are also
available through the society's chapters.
- amount: varies
- requirements: vary
Colorado Society of CPAs
7979 E. Tufts Avenue
Suite 500
Denver, CO 80237-2843
Telephone: (303) 773-2877
FAX: (303) 773-6344
Website address:
- audience: 1) Accounting majors at
colleges and universities with accredited accounting programs; 2)
Outstanding college accounting majors at one of the 15 accredited
colleges and universities in the state; 3) High school students who
intend to major in accounting at Colorado community colleges and
universities; 4) Ethnically diverse high school and college
- amount: 1) Up to $1,000; 2)
$1,250; 3) $1,000; 4) $1,000
- requirements: 1) Declared
accounting majors, have completed at least eight semester hours of
accounting courses (including one intermediate accounting class),
and have both an overall and accounting GPA of 3.0 or better. The
scholarship is based first on scholastic achievement and second on
financial need; 2) Declared accounting majors, have completed
intermediate accounting, and have a GPA of 3.5 or better; 3) High
school seniors with a GPA of 3.75 or better; 4) High school seniors
with a GPA of 3.0 or better and be either Black, Hispanic, Asian,
Native American, or Pacific Islander.
Connecticut Society of CPAs
845 Brook Street
Rocky Hills, CT 06067-3405
Telephone: (860) 280-1100
FAX: (860) 280-1101
Website address:
- audience: College accounting
majors at each college and university in Connecticut that offer a
full-time curriculum leading to an accounting degree and are
recognized by the Connecticut State Board of
- amount: Varies
- requirements: Accounting majors
entering their senior year who have achieved the highest standing
in their accounting and general curriculum. The Ph.D. candidate
awardee, in addition to making successful progress in his or her
candidacy, must have taught or be presently teaching in the
accounting curriculum at the university level.
Greater Washington Society of CPAs
1023 15th Street, N.W., 8th Floor
Washington, DC 20005-2602
Telephone: (202) 789-1844
FAX: (202) 789-1847
Website address:
- audience: Rising seniors majoring
in accounting at DC colleges/universities
- amount: $1,500
- requirements: Students are
nominated by the college/university. Two nominations per school and
one winner is selected per school.
Florida Institute of CPAs
P.O. Box 5437
Tallahassee, Florida 32314
Telephone: (850) 224-2727
FAX: (850) 222-8190
Website address:
- audience: College accounting
majors in an accredited college/university with the 150-hour
educational requirement (merit and financial need)
- amount: Typically $1,250
- requirements: Students should have
completed their junior year and indicated a desire to practice in
the field of accounting as opposed to other disciplines. They must
be planning to sit for the CPA exam and working toward fulfilling
those requirements. They should be Florida residents and indicate a
desire to work in the state of Florida.
Georgia Society of CPAs
3340 Peachtree Road, NE; Suite 2700
Atlanta, GA 30326-1026
Telephone: (404) 231-8676
FAX: (404) 237-1291
Website address:
- audience: College
- amount: Matching funds up to
$1,500 from each chapter
- requirements: Overall and
accounting GPA of 3.5 or above with an overall GPA of 3.0 or above.
Participation in an essay contest on an accounting topic with a GPA
of 3.0 or above.
Hawaii Society of CPAs
P.O. Box 1754
Honolulu, HI 96806
Telephone: (808) 537-9475
FAX: (808) 537-3520
- audience:
- amount: $300 - $1,500 - number of
awards may vary from year to year
- requirements: Must be a Hawaii
resident currently attending an accredited Hawaii college or
university; Maintain an overall 3.0 GPA; major, or concentration,
in accounting with the intention to sit for the CPA exam, and have
completed an intermediate accounting course.
Illinois CPA Society/ Foundation
222 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 1600
Chicago, IL 60606-6098
Phone 312/993-0393
Fax: 312/993-9954
Website address:
- Sponsor two plaques and cash
prizes for the Accounting I & II competitions at the Annual
Illinois Future Business Leaders of America Conference.
- Provide one - $1,000 scholarship
for a high school student entering college to study
- Provide three - $1,000 scholarship
for college students studying accounting.
- New: 5th Year Scholarships for
Students Planning to Become a CPA. Competitive scholarships of up
to $4,000 each for outstanding accounting students who show
significant potential to become a CPA and demonstrate achievement
as well as financial need.
Kansas Society of CPAs
1080 SW Wanamaker, Suite 200
Topeka, KS 66604-3807
Telephone: (785) 272-4366
FAX: (785) 272-4468
Website address:
- name/sponsor: Educational
Foundation of KSCPA
- audience: College accounting
senior and graduate students; and high school seniors with interest
in accounting.
- amount: 10 High School
scholarships range from $200 to $1,000; 7 Undergraduate at $1,250
and 7 Graduate at $1,500 (selected by faculty at six regents'
institutions and Washburn University of Topeka); 1 Graduate at
$1,750; 1 Undergraduate at $1,250 for student attending independent
college or university.
Kentucky Society of CPAs
1735 Alliant Avenue
Louisville, KY 40299
Telephone: (502) 266-5272
FAX: (502) 261-9512
Website address:
- audience: 1) High school Seniors;
2) College accounting majors
- amount: 1) 10 at $500; 2) 2 at
$1,000 3)$20,000 distributed among the University of Louisville and
Bellarmine University. The universities choose the applicants, on
average 15-20 students receive an award.
- requirements: 1) Academic
excellence, pursue an accounting major; 2) Academic, leadership
Society of Louisiana CPAs
2400 Veterans Blvd., Suite 500
Kenner, LA 70062
Telephone: (504) 464-1040; (800) 288-5272
FAX: (504) 469-7930
Website address:
- audience: Full-time college
students enrolled in a four year accredited accounting
- amount: Up to 10 scholarships
ranging from $500 to $750 and the Christopher E. "Kit" Smith
scholarship, which is approximately $5,000 (depending on interest
earned from the endowment). All scholarships are awarded on an
annual basis.
- requirements: Students must be
residents of Louisiana, be at least in their fifth semester (or
equivalent), sponsorship by two accounting faculty members, 3.0 or
better on a grading scale of 4.0 (accounting and overall), submit
essay explaining the student's perception of the CPA's role on the
job and in the community.
Maine Society of CPAs
153 US Route 1, Suite 8
Scarborough, ME 04074-9053
Telephone: (207) 883-6090
FAX: (207) 883-6211
Website address:
- name/sponsor: 1) Macdonald
Scholarship; 2) Howard F. Greene Memorial Scholarship; 3) Advantage
Payroll Scholarship
- audience: College accounting
- amount: $1,000 each
- requirements: 1) Must be an
accounting major with cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, demonstrate
writing skills and show community service; 2) criteria based on
academic achievement, writing skills, extra-curricular activities,
work experience, career goals, and financial need.
Maryland Association of CPAs
1300 York Road, Bldg. 10, Ste. C
Lutherville, MD 21093
Telephone: (410) 296-6250
FAX: (410) 296-8713
Website address:
- name/sponsor: MACPA Educational
Foundation, Inc.
- audience: College accounting
majors (merit and financial need)
- amount: $1,000/year and
- requirements: Maryland residents
attending state college/university; complete at least 60 total
credit hours by time of award of which at least 6 hours are
accounting courses at time of award AND enroll in or successfully
complete Intermediate Accounting; have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or
better; demonstrate financial need.
Massachusetts Society of CPAs
105 Chauncy Street, 10th Floor
Boston, MA 02111
Telephone: (617) 556-4000
FAX: (617) 556-4126
Website address:
- Goodman Memorial
- audience: Full-time minority
college accounting majors in their junior year
- amount: Two $2,000 scholarships
are awarded
- requirements: Minorities are
defined as African American, Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander,
Native American, and Alaskan native.
- Howard F. Greene Memorial
- audience: Full-time college
accounting majors entering their senior year (or equivalent) at a
recognized four-year college or university in New
- amount: Three $1,000 scholarships
are awarded (at least one is always given to a student from the
state hosting the conference).
- requirements: The scholarship
involves the six New England states and is presented in June at the
New England Graduate Accounting Study Conference. Each state sends
three candidates.
- William Holmes
- audience: Minority high school
senior from Boston Latin School
- amount: $500
- requirements: Students must pursue
a career in public accounting and plan on attending a college or
university in Massachusetts for their freshman year. Student
selected by school
- Masters Grant
- audience: Students with an
Undergraduate degree in accounting
- amount: Ranges from $500 to
- requirements: Must have an
undergraduate degree in accounting and be in the process of
obtaining a master's degree in accounting or its
- David J. Aronson
- audience: All those interested in
pursuing a degree in accounting
- amount: $1,000/year
- requirements: Students with a
non-traditional educational or personal background who are
interested in pursuing a career in public accounting in
Michigan Association of CPAs
5480 Corporate Drive, Suite 200
Troy, MI 48007-5068
Telephone: (248) 267-3700
FAX: (248) 267-3737
Website address:
- AICPA Scholarships for Minority
Accounting Students
- MAF Loan-Grant Assistance
- MACPA Doctoral Fellowship
Minnesota Society of CPAs
7900 Xerxes Avenue S., Suite 1230
Bloomington, MN 55431
Telephone: (952) 831-2707
FAX: (952) 831-7875
Website address:
- audience: College sophmores,
juniors and seniors who are majoring in accounting.
- amount: 25 scholarships at $1,000
- requirements: Academic record,
financial need, involvement in extra-curricular activities, intent
to sit for the CPA Exam; Minnesota resident.
Mississippi Society of CPAs
246 Highland Village
Jackson, MS 39211
Telephone: (601) 366-3473
FAX: (601) 981-6079
Website address:
- name/sponsor: MSCPA Education
- audience: One student from each
college/university offering an accounting major
- amount: $750
- requirements: Recommended to
Award, Education and Scholarship Committee by college and approved
by committee.
Missouri Society of CPAs
275 N. Lindbergh, Suite 10
St. Louis, MO 63141
Telephone: (314) 997 7966
FAX: (314) 997 2592
Website addresses:;
Student Scholarships:
- audience: High school seniors and college students
- amount: $2,000 - $3,000 (certain scholarships are renewable for
multiple years)
- requirements: Based on academic achievement, leadership
potential and essay. Students must be Missouri residents, enrolled
in a Missouri college/university and majoring in accounting.
Montana Society of CPAs
P.O. Box 138
Helena, MT 59624-0138
Telephone: (406) 442-7301
FAX: (406) 443-7278
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- name/sponsor: Montana Society
- audience: Juniors at four-year institutions
- amount: $1000 (4 per year)
- requirements: Outstanding Achievement
Note: The Montana Society's Board of Directors recently voted to
establish an endowment which will eventually be used for funding
additional scholarships.
Nebraska Society of CPAs
635 South 14th Street, Suite 330
Lincoln, NE 68508
Telephone: (402) 476-8482
FAX: (406) 476-8731
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- audience: College junior and seniors at 17 Nebraska
- amount: $700 - $2,000
- requirements: Junior in college interested in becoming a
Nevada Society of CPAs
5250 Neil Road, Suite 205
Reno, NV 89502
Telephone: (775) 826-6800
FAX: (775) 826-7942
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- audience: College accounting students (juniors and
- amount: Two universities award three scholarships; one for
$1,500 and two for $750/each per semester. Three community colleges
award three scholarships; one for $600 and two for $300/each per
- requirements: Universities/colleges make the selections within
the accounting student criteria.
New Hampshire Society of CPAs
1750 Elm Street, Suite 403
Manchester, NH 03104
Telephone: (603) 622-1999
FAX: (603) 626-0204
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- audience: Full-time students entering junior or senior year at
an accredited four-year college/university, or a full-time graduate
student in an accredited masters program in accounting.
- amount: The amount of scholarships, if any, will be determined
annually by the Board of Directors when voting on the annual
budget. Scholarship are awarded in the Fall.
- requirements: New Hampshire resident, recommended by a teacher
in or responsible for the accounting program where the applicant is
presently enrolled, meet academic criteria. Financial need will be
considered in the event that two students are equal
New Jersey Society of CPAs
425 Eagle Rock Avenue
Roseland, NJ 07068
Telephone: (973) 226-4494
FAX: (973) 226-7425
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- audience: Sophomore and junior accounting majors attending a
New Jersey two-or four-year college/university, and high school
- amount: College scholarships are $2,500 each. High school
scholarships range from $5,000 to $4,000.
- requirements: College scholarships are awarded to the top
academically ranked juniors who are majoring in accounting at New
Jersey colleges. Candidates must be nominated by the school's
accounting department chair. The high school scholarships are
awarded to those students who score highest on an aptitude
examination administered by the society. Students should be seniors
intending to major in accounting in college.
New Mexico Society of CPAs (Foundation for Education and
1650 University N.E., Suite 450
Albuquerque, NM 87102-1733
Telephone: (505) 246-1699
FAX: (505) 246-1686
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- audience: 1) College students majoring in accounting at a New
Mexico college or university.
- amount: 1) Varies
- requirements: 1) meet eligibility requirements at any
qualifying school
New York State Society of CPAs
530 Fifth Avenue, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10036-5101
Telephone: (212) 719-8300
FAX: (212) 719-3364
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- audience: College accounting majors with financial need at
schools in New York state
- amount: $1,500 per academic year for full-time students; $750
for part-time students. Payment is made on a per-semester basis and
recipients can renew the awards each semester provided they
continue their accounting studies and maintain the requisite 3.0
GPA (however, exceptions can be made in special circumstances for
students whose performance falls below this level).
- requirements: Applicant must be declared major in accounting
and, if applicable, be accepted to that major; a resident of New
York state and either U.S. citizen or permanent resident; enrolled
in a college or university in New York state that offers an
accounting program registered by the State Education Department;
and must be entering either the third or fourth year of a four- or
five-year (150 hour) program. In general, applicants should have
successfully completed the introductory accounting course.
North Carolina Association of CPAs
3100 Gateway Center Boulevard
Morrisville, NC 27560
Telephone: (919) 469-1040
FAX: (919) 469-3959
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- audience: College accounting majors
- amount: $1,000 each, awarded annually at the discretion of the
NC CPA Foundation
- requirements: Students must be residents of North Carolina;
have completed at least one upper division accounting program in a
North Carolina college or university; be at least a fifth semester
(or equivalent) student; be enrolled in an accounting course at the
time the scholarship is awarded; be sponsored by two accounting
faculty members; have an overall and accounting GPA of at least
3.0; and submit a typed essay on "Why I want to be a certified
public accountant."
North Dakota Society of CPAs
2701 South Columbia Road
Grand Forks, ND 58201
Telephone: (701) 775-7100
FAX: (701) 775-7430
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- name/sponsor: NDSCPA/Society Foundation - Several given out
each year - exam fee voucher
- audience: College seniors majoring in accounting
- amount: Gave out 8 scholarships this year for $500 each and
will be 1 per year for each year following.
- requirements: College seniors majoring in accounting, native of
North Dakota or border city, and intend to sit for the CPA
Ohio Society of CPAs
535 Metro Place South
P.O. Box 1810
Dublin, OH 43017-7810
Telephone: (614) 764-2727
FAX: (614) 764-5880
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- audience: College accounting majors
- amount: Chapter based program. Some chapters offer more than
the $500 state match, but this program is changing.
- requirements: Chapter selects college student with their own
Oklahoma Society of CPAs
50 Penn Place, Suite 910
Oklahoma City, OK 73118-1868
Telephone: (405) 841-3800
FAX: (405) 841-3801
Website address:
Student Scholarships (Outstanding Accounting Student
- audience: Accounting students at a four-year
- amount: $500 or more
- requirements: Students must be juniors or seniors, have
completed 60 credit hours, and be currently enrolled in or
completed Intermediate Accounting II.
- Find out more:
Oregon Society of CPAs
P.O. Box 4555
Beaverton, OR 97076-4555
Telephone: (503) 641-7200
FAX: (503) 626-2942
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- audience: 1) Outstanding high school seniors who plan to enter
an accounting program at an accredited Oregon college or
university. 2) College students planning to major in accounting at
an accredited Oregon college or university.
- amount: $1,000 - $3,000
- requirements: High School - must be a Spring candidate for
graduation with at least a 3.75 GPA. College - Oregon community
college transfer students, and undergraduate and post-baccalaureate
accounting students with a minimum 3.5 GPA in accounting/business
classes and overall 3.2 GPA.
Pennsylvania Institute of CPAs
1650 Arch Street, 17th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2099
Telephone: (215) 496-9272
FAX: (215) 496-9212
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- audience: 1) Sophomores in Pennsylvania colleges and
universities; 2) Graduate students in Pennsylvania
- amount: 1) 12 at $1,500 and 5 at $3,000, both renewable two
times to complete senior year and one $1,000 un-renewable award
(Joseph Taricani Memorial Scholarship); 2) $5000.
- requirements: 1) Full-time sophomores who are intending to
declare a major in accounting; 2) Full-time Graduate students
majoring in accounting or related field.
Rhode Island Society of CPAs
One Franklin Square
Providence, RI 02903
Telephone: (401) 331-5720
FAX: (401) 454-5780
Website address:
Scholarship Programs:
- name/sponsor: Christiansen Scholarship
- audience: College juniors and seniors
- amount: $1,000 to $2,000
South Carolina Association of CPAs
570 Chris Drive
West Columbia, SC 29169
Telephone: (803) 791-4181
FAX: (803) 791-4196
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- audience: South Carolina resident, accounting student in a
South Carolina college/ university
- amount: Ranges from $500 to $1,000
- requirements: A college junior or senior or a master's degree
student with an overall GPA of 3.25 and an accounting GPA of
South Dakota CPA Society
1000 West Avenue North, Suite 100
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Telephone: (605) 334-3848
FAX: (605) 334-8595
Student Scholarships:
- audience: College accounting majors
- amount: One at $1,000; various others up to $1,000 last year 8
others based on funds & number of qualified applicants.
- requirements: Students should be entering their senior
Tennessee Society of CPAs
201 Powell Place
P.O. Box 187
Brentwood, TN 37024-0187
Telephone: (615) 377-3825
FAX: (615) 377-3904
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- audience: Legal residents of Tennessee who are majoring in
accounting and have completed three semesters or four quarters of
accounting study.
- amount: $250 to $1,000 scholarships awarded annually to
eligible students. The scholarship program is sponsored by the
Educational and Memorial Foundation of the Tennessee Society of
Texas Society of CPAs
14860 Montfort Drive, Suite 150
Dallas, TX 75240
Telephone: (972) 687-8500
FAX: (972) 687-8682
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- Texas Interscholastic League Foundation
- audience: Five high school students who excel in University
Interscholastic League (UIL) academic competitions at the state
- amount: $1,000 per academic year for five years.
- requirements: Intent to major in accounting, SAT/ACT score of
1100/24 or above, top 10% of graduating class, maintain at least a
3.0 GPA, attend one of the Texas universities participating in the
Accounting Education Foundation programs, be a U.S. citizen.
- Undergraduate Scholarship Program:
- audience: undergraduate accounting students planning to become
CPAs and entering the accounting profession upon graduation.
- amount: 45 scholarships at $1000 each (for junior or senior
students); the award may be renewed for one additional year if
recipient continues to qualify.
- requirements: U.S. citizen attending (full-time)
college/university that participates in the Accounting Education
Foundation programs, has a cumulative college GPA of 3.5 or more on
a 4.0 scale, and has completed two introductory accounting courses
with a grade of B or better.
Vermont Society of CPAs
100 State Street, Suite 500
Montpelier, VT 05602
Telephone: (802) 229-4939
FAX: (802) 223-0360
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- audience: Accounting students
- amount: One $1,500 to one student
- requirements: Junior in four-year school, GPA, financial
status, recommendation from faculty, etc.
Virginia Society of CPAs
P.O. Box 4620
Glen Allen, VA 23058-4620
Telephone: (804) 270-5344
FAX: (804) 273-1741
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- audience: 1) Graduate accounting scholarship; 2) Minority
undergraduate accounting scholarship; 3) Undergraduate accounting
- award/prize: 1) $1,200/3 per year; 2) $1,200/3 per year; 3)
$1,200/5 per year
- description: 1) Must have been accepted in a graduate program
of accounting in Virginia; applicant must have demonstrated
academic potential in the study of accounting; application must be
submitted through the director of applicants graduate accounting
program; official transcript required; applicants financial need
will be considered, but is not an obligatory requirement (deadline
is July 15); 2) applicants must complete an application and have
one written faculty recommendation; must be currently enrolled in a
Virginia college/university undergraduate accounting program; must
be a member of one of the VSCPA-defined minority groups (African
American, Hispanic American, American Indian, or Asian Pacific
American); and must be an accounting major with at least 12 hours
of accounting and at least a 3.0 GPA in accounting; official
transcript required (deadline is July 15); 3) applicant must
complete an application; one written faculty recommendation also
required; applicant must be currently enrolled in a Virginia
college/university undergraduate accounting program; applicant must
have at least 12 hours of accounting and a minimum overall and
accounting CPA of 3.0; official transcript required; (deadline is
July 15).
Washington Society of CPAs
902 140th Avenue, N.E.
Bellevue, WA 98005
Telephone: (425) 644-4800
FAX: (425) 562-8853
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- University Accounting Majors
The Foundation for Education of the Washington Society of
Certified Public Accountants statewide scholarship program is now
accepting applications for four non-renewable tuition scholarships.
These scholarships will be awarded to accounting students entering
their junior/senior year at any four-year institution in Washington
State Fall 2002.
Eligibility: Accounting students who will have completed their
sophomore year by Fall 2002 at an accredited four-year institution
in Washington State. All applicants must be U.S. citizens.
Deadline: Completed applications and other required documents
should be mailed by March 15, 2002 to:
Scholarship Committee
Washington Society of CPAs
902 140th Avenue NE
Bellevue, WA 98005-3480
Unofficial college transcripts are acceptable.
Scholarships: The 2002-03 scholarships are $3,500 each and may be
used for tuition only.
Selection Criteria: The Scholarship Committee will screen all
applications received and select the finalists based on:
- academic achievement (minimum 3.0 GPA)
- campus and/or community activities
- work history
- personal statement
- two letters of recommendation
- Fifth Year Accounting Students (150-hour
The Foundation for Education of the Washington Society of
Certified Public Accountants' statewide scholarship program is now
accepting applications for scholarships of $2,750. These
scholarships will be awarded to economically disadvantaged
accounting students who are pursuing the additional 30 hours
required to complete the 150-hour requirement to sit for the CPA
examination. Preference will be given to residents of Washington
State. Awards must be used for tuition, fees, books and living
Eligibility: Accounting students who are enrolled in a program
in an accredited Washington State college or university that will
qualify them to sit for the CPA exam; applicants must be
academically in good standing and must have completed a minimum of
120 semester hours of academic credit within 90 days of
application. All applicants must be citizens of the U.S.
Deadline: Completed applications and other required documents
should be mailed by April 30, 2002 to:
Educational Assistance Advisory Committee
Washington Society of CPAs
902 140th Avenue NE
Bellevue, WA 98005-3480
Scholarships: The 2002-03 scholarships are $2,750 each and may
be used for tuition only.
Selection Criteria: The Educational Assistance Advisory Committee
will screen all applications received and select the finalists
based on:
- Intent on taking the CPA examination
- Financial need
- Probability of success
- Under-representation in the profession
- Accounting-related work experience
- Scholarship for Minority Accounting Majors
The Foundation for Education of the Washington Society of
Certified Public Accountants statewide scholarship program is now
accepting applications for one non-renewable minority tuition
scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded to an accounting
student entering his/her junior/senior year at any four-year
institution in Washington State Fall 2002.
Eligibility: Accounting students who will have completed their
sophomore year by Fall 2002 at an accredited four-year institution
in Washington State. All applicants must be U.S. citizens.
Deadline: Completed applications and other required documents
should be mailed by March 15, 2002 to:
Scholarship Committee
Washington Society of CPAs
902 140th Avenue NE
Bellevue, WA 98005-3480
Unofficial college transcripts are acceptable.
Scholarships: The 2002-03 scholarship is $3,500 and may be used
for tuition only.
Selection Criteria: The Scholarship Committee will screen all
applications received and select the finalists based on:
- academic achievement (minimum 3.0 GPA)
- campus and/or community activities
- work history
- personal statement
- two letters of recommendation
- Transfer/Community College Accounting
The Foundation for Education of the Washington Society of
Certified Public Accountants statewide scholarship program is now
accepting applications for eight $500 scholarships. These
scholarships will be awarded for use Fall quarter 2002 at any 2- or
4-year institution in Washington State.
Eligibility: All community college, vocational and transfer
accounting students who have completed two quarters of accounting
at the time of application and who plan to complete their education
in Washington State are eligible to apply. All applicants must be
U.S. citizens.
Deadline: Completed applications and other required documents
should be mailed by March 15, 2002 to:
Scholarship Committee
Washington Society of CPAs
902 140th Avenue NE
Bellevue, WA 98005-3480
Unofficial college transcripts are acceptable.
Selection Criteria: The Scholarship Committee will screen all
applications received and select the finalists based on:
- academic achievement (minimum 3.0 GPA)
- campus and/or community activities
- preparation for an accounting career
- work history
- personal statement
- two letters of recommendation
Statewide: The Scholarship Committee solicits applications from
eligible students attending all Washington State community and
technical colleges.
- Chapter Scholarships
Many of the local WSCPA chapters have scholarships. This
information will be available Fall 2001 on
West Virginia Society of CPAs
P.O. Box 1673
Charleston, WV 25326
Telephone: (304) 342-5461
FAX: (304) 344-4636
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- name/sponsor: Chapters
- audience: Outstanding students at West Virginia
- amount: Varies
- requirements: Varies from chapter to chapter
Wisconsin Institute of CPAs
235 N. Executive Drive, Suite 500
P.O. Box 1010
Brookfield, WI 53005
Telephone: (262) 785-0445
FAX: (262) 785-0838
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- audience: 1) Minority high school seniors, 2) College juniors,
3) Fifth year accounting major.
- amount: 1) $4,000 over four years, 2) Varies, 3) $5,000 in
fifth year
- requirements: 1) WICPA Minority Award Program requirements:
Applicant must be a resident of the State of Wisconsin at the time
the application is submitted; must be African-American, Hispanic,
Native-American, Indian, or Asian; and must plan to attend a
Wisconsin college or university and begin academic work leading to
an accounting major with a bachelor's degree, which meets the
educational requirements to take the CPA examination. 2) The
Vincent K. Derscheid Scholarship Fund requirements: Student must be
attending a Wisconsin college or university; and must be a declared
accounting major in his/her junior year, who has been admitted to
the college's department of business. Selection will be based
primarily on academic achievement. Secondary criteria will include
extra-curricular activities, recommendations from educators, and
community involvement. This year's scholarship amount was $2,500,
payable in equal annual installments of $1,250 each in the
recipient's junior and senior years. 3) The 150 Hour Accounting
Scholarship is granted to students attending a Wisconsin college or
university with an accounting major, which leads to a Masters
Degree in business, to satisfy the 150 Hour requirement to take the
CPA exam.
Wyoming Society of CPAs
1603 Capitol Avenue, Suite 413
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Telephone: (307) 634-7039
FAX: (307) 634-5110
Website address:
Student Scholarships:
- audience: High school seniors and students attending the
University of Wyoming
- amount: Two scholarships at $300 for high school seniors; one
$1,000 scholarship for University of Wyoming student.
- requirements: High school applicants must write a short essay
and submit high school transcripts.
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